
[Giveaway] Celebrating 20 Months of Blogging and 80+K Blog Views Giveaway CLOSED! Winner Announced!

Helloooooo~ After another long MIA because internet connection is horrible, laziness, and other stuffs, I decided to come back to the blogging world with a GIVEAWAY! Hopefully this giveaway will be a success not like my previous one LOL

First of all, I’m terribly sorry but this giveaway is only available for Indonesia residence or anyone who has Indonesian mailing address. The winner will not be responsible for any additional charges (shipping, packing, etc) so you will just have to join, wait for the announcement, and enjoy your prize! ^_^

I believe your first question is, what is the prize? Well, nothing fancy, but since I already tried the product myself and very satisfied with it, I will give one to you!


Indonesia Only Sugar Wax Giveaway

It’s one set of Sugarpot Cool Sugar Wax in Green Tea!

Then you might be wondering why there are 2 tubs up there. It’s because the Strawberry one belongs to me :p You will get a complete set of BRAND NEW Sugarpot Cool Sugar Wax. I believe all of you already know what this thing is. If you’re curious of the cool sugar wax trend but not willing to buy it yourself, or maybe if you already have a different brand and would like to try this one, give it a try! You might be the lucky winner ^_^

The complete set consists of :

  • A tub of Green Tea cool sugar wax. Please note that it is NOT full even when I bought it, and since I already plan to give it away I have never opened it even to smell it.
  • 12 sheets of re-usable wax paper
  • 1 wooden spatula
  • Instruction manual

I keep them separated from mine, so I GUARANTEE you will get a fresh product ^_^


I hope a lot of people will join this giveaway! Just fill out the Rafflecopter down below, and the winner will be chosen randomly. The giveaway starts on June 13th and will end on June 27th. I only have it up for 2 weeks so you won’t have to wait for too long 🙂 I will announce the winner on my Instagram, Facebook Page, and this blog! ^_^

a Rafflecopter giveaway




PLEASE do not unfollow any accounts or cheat in one way or another. If you do, you will be disqualified for this and all my future giveaways. I do not want to disqualify anyone so let’s be fair ^_^ Kindly inform me if you had trouble with the Rafflecopter or if you had any questions. Thank you for joining! ❤



Aaaaaaaand the winner is……………….



Please respond to my email in 3×24 hours or I’ll have to choose another winner


For the others, do not be sad or worry! I will host another giveaway this year (I promise!) and who knows if it’s your lucky day! Until then, toodles!

25 thoughts on “[Giveaway] Celebrating 20 Months of Blogging and 80+K Blog Views Giveaway CLOSED! Winner Announced!

  1. sheeer pas bgt lg pgn cb wax yg greentea XD aku join yaaaa~
    Thanks giveaway nya sm congrats 20m blogging + 80k pageviews nya :DD

    1. eh bru baca raffle nya ;w;
      name : mitchellina metta
      IG @mitchmetta
      twitter @mitchellinaa
      pengen coba ini soalnya wax yg dulu jg udah tgl stengah sm penasaran sm varian yg green tea ini XD

  2. Name : Jessica
    Email : taylor_lautner
    Twitter : saito_fuka
    IG : novia_firman

    I just can’t stand my hairy arms and legs anymore!! But i’m too afraid to try waxing since my skin is really sensitive and i don’t want to waste my money for a product that doesn’t work well on my skin :/ And here you are hosting this giveaway which means it’s a chance for me to try (free) waxing for the very first time in my life LOL XD

    1. Aku tau kemasan Sugar pot ini awalnya dari Instagram. Aku pensaran banget sama nih produk. Aku pengen wax bulu-bulu di area ketiak. Bener-bener risih dan mengganggu penampilan akibat bulu yang numbuh diarea ketiak.

    1. Ah yes, the Rafflecopter widget can’t be shown on free wordpress blog T_T You can click on the link and it will lead you right to the widget 🙂 Sorry for the trouble.

  3. Congratz ya ciii~ and thank you for the giveaway 🙂

    Name : Dewi Yang
    Email address :
    IG account : @dewiuno
    Twitter account : @Dewii_20
    why I want to win this giveaway? I really want to try this Sugarpot Cool Sugar Wax since long long ago for my unwanted hair in my feet! and I ❤ Green tea hihi ^O^/

    Hope I can win this giveaway ❤ once again, congratulation 😉

    1. Thank youuuu~ And thank you for joining too ^_^
      Ah we have the same problem! Kirain cuma aku doang yg banyak bulu di tangan sama kaki (soalnya temen2 pada ga ada T_T)
      Good luck yaaa ❤

    1. Thank you~ And thank you for joining too ^_^
      Ih iya kesel banget kalo banyak bulu yah 😦 Walau katanya berguna tapi aku jadi ga pede kalo lagi pake lengan pendek atau celana pendek T_T Rasanya pengen di laser aja biar lenyap selamanya LOL
      Good luck yaaa 😀

    1. Do you usually go to waxing house to remove your unwanted hair? Pengen coba ke waxing house, tp I think it’s too overpriced. The last time I checked, 300ribu only for underarm T_T
      Thank you for joining and good luck! ^_^

  4. Name : Angie Patricia
    Email address :
    IG account :patricia19ev
    Twitter account : patricia19ev
    and why you want to win this :because i really want to try this amazing sugarpot wax , i already read lots of good review and of course underarm hair is annoying *gross*.i really want to remove it
    and alson june19th is my birthday ,i really hope i win so it will be my birthday gift hehe
    Congratulations cece cantikkk ,keep blogging and keep being amazing ❤

    1. Oohhhh! The date is close! Happy belated birthday! Sorry for not being able to wish you on time 😦
      Thank you, thank you 😀 I don’t think I can blog regularly like you, though .__.
      Thank you for joining yahhh~ Good luck! ^_^

  5. Name: Kiki
    Email address:
    IG account: jelocious
    Twitter account: rnfh_

    Firstly, makasih banyak ce udah ngadain giveaway ini lalalayeyeye 😀
    dari dulu pengen cobain sugar pot wax tapi maju mundur mulu hahaha masih galau antara perlu atau enggak -_-
    Gue cewek yang banyak bulunya ce (????), banyak yang bilang cewek yang banyak bulu di badannya itu seksi kek gimana kek hahahaha gue bersyukur banget bisa punya banyak bulu kayak gini ce, kulit jadi lebih eksotis //eksotis palalu// hehe
    tapi, gue kadang lihat kaki sendiri kayak bukan kaki cewek abis melainkan kayak kaki cowok yang banyak bulunya haha kadang bikin ketawa ketiwi sendiri haha ya enggak sih ce?
    kalo pertumbuhan di kaki/tangan subur apalagi yang di keti ce duuuuuh //NGAKAK POL//
    makanya nyoba ikut giveaway cc aja biar bisa dapetin sugar cool wax yang dibilang banyak orang bagus banget~ hitung-hitung biar kulit lebih kelihatan lebih bersih kali ya ce, apalagi yang diketi yang susah banget ngilangin istrinya paklu ini (baca: bulu)
    kayaknya alasan gue kurleb kayak gitu lah ce hihi, sekian.
    hidup cewek berbulu!

    1. MUAHAHAHAHA! This comment is by far the cutest, funniest, and most weird comment I’v ever read. You made my day ^_^ Thank you!

      Setuju bgt deh, aku juga liat kaki sama tangan sendiri suka ragu ini badan cewe apa cowo sih (?) Katanya bulu2 ini ada gunanya, tp aku lebih prefer ga keliatan (atau kalo ga ada lbh bgs lagi LOL)
      Mungkin suatu hari nanti kalo udah jadi istri pejabat atau jadi sosialita bakal laser bulu2 ini xD
      Anyway thank you for joining! Good luck to you ^_^

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